
The licensed mental health counselor, in cooperation with nurses, teachers, staff, and administrators at The Vanguard School is responsible for providing a comprehensive school counseling program for students enrolled in grades 6 through 12.  We work with our local community to provide services for our students on and off-campus. On-campus we provide services to educate students on mental health care needs. Some of the components of the program are outlined below:

  • Referrals involve enlisting the services of other mental health professionals to assist students in handling complex issues.  Students may be referred to an on-campus psychologist that meets with LMHC once per week, to psychiatrists or other professionals. Information is considered private that is shared between mental health professionals and only in the best interest of the student.  

  • Individual counseling sessions involve offering direct, short-term service to students to address both proactive and reactive needs. Provided only by psychologist/ telemental health/or off-campus provider at parents' expense. 

  • Crisis response involves immediate and critical intervention in an acute situation. The purpose of crisis counseling interventions is to diffuse a situation, serve the school and community members affected by the situation, and promote the healing process. 
